A little bit of this and, a little bit of that, makes a little bit of me.

Triple Play…Chill Chaser

I’ve been re-training my night-owl brain to become a little more of a morning brain so I won’t be staying up past midnight! Of course, I won’t be getting up at the crack of dawn, either.

Have you tried to make a neck scrunchy (aka cowl or neck warmer/cozy)

and ended up with a hat?

Are you tired of hats that are simply not compatible with your hair? Or the ones tease you, having a hole but mess up your hair when taking them on and off?

Inspired by my friend Michele’s Rockaway 2-Way Beach Beanie/Cowl, Wildflower is knitted flat and does allow you to wear a ponytail neatly while the hat is on and after it is taken off.

Multiple hues and multiple configurations make this a very versatile accessories for the chilly-weather wardrobe. You’ll be ready for anything.

I love things that may morph into other things. The caterpillar turning into the butterfly, the shot glasses that hold double function as chess pieces, and even my child’s Transformer toys.

With an embellished i-cord drawstring,

the lacy knit may be worn as a balaclava or wimple pulled up over the head as headband, around the neck as a cowl, or cinch one end closed for a fun and whimsical hat at a moment’s notice…depending on your hair style for the day.

Any way you wear it, you will stay warm, chic, and stylish with this at the park!

The combo would make a fun gift, wouldn’t say? Better yet, knit two and give one as the hat and the other as the scarf to make a set.

There is more work to the first prototype like expanding the depth for more fabric/coverage. Back to the drawing/calculating board…Meanwhile, I feel myself getting a sore throat and bad cold coming on. Where are all my natural healers?

Happy crafting and keep those creative juices running!

(still doesn’t do texting, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, DiggIt…)

Comments on: "Triple Play…Chill Chaser" (2)

  1. Love, love this hat!

    • Fun making it too. And my friend was a wonderful trooper in modeling it for me and the recipient is very appreciative of the surprise when she visited two weeks ago. All good. Now, if I can only get to prototype #2!

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